I have been a Training and Outreach Specialist since July 2024 and I work within the Homecare Division of METC specifically DORS.
My favorite part about working with METC is giving providers information they didn’t have to help them better care for their consumers. My favorite training is New Hire Orientation/Mandatory IP Training – I get to talk to IP’s and connect with them on a little more personal level and I believe it helps them understand the program and their consumers rights a little better.
I am a strong advocate for Homecare for all! I love the homecare program, I believe that everyone deserves to stay in their home if that is what they choose to do and they should never be forced to go into a nursing facility. I ran an in home daycare for over 10 years. I was a CNA. I am currently a DORS worker. I was only a semester from being an RN, but health/life issues got in the way.
I volunteer my time to many different areas around disability advocacy, healthcare, and democratic politics. I was on the Executive Board of the Union and the Vice Chair of the Homecare Division. I have been on the bargaining committee for the DORS contract 3 times, and am a union leader with the DORS division. I am on the Disability Caucus with SEIU.
I have been married to my best friend Ken Cleeton since 1986 and we have 2 boys K.L. and Kyler. Kyler is the youngest and is married to Erica and they have 3 beautiful children Nolan, Ellie and Jace. K.L. has a neuromuscular disability called Spinal Muscular Atrophy and is actually our consumer in the DORS program and is the one that got me involved in all that I am involved in today with my advocacy and outreach with SEIU and all others. He is my inspiration for all advocacy and life in general. He is in a relationship with a beautiful young lady named Sadia from Austin Texas who has twin daughters, Jessica and Melody. I have a very blessed life with both my beautiful family and amazing union family.