Child Care Anxiety

Discover how to identify and support childhood anxiety in this training for early childcare providers, covering its manifestations across different ages, strategies for adapting routines and environments, and methods for documenting signs to collaborate with parents and community resources.

Description & Materials

Course description

This training will inform early childcare providers of the emerging mental health issue children are developing known as childhood anxiety. Early childcare providers will examine what is childhood anxiety and how it is observed throughout different age periods of the child’s lifespan. The training will explore self-teaching practices, changes of the child’s routines and the childcare environment to help support children with anxiety. Early childcare providers will understand how to effectively document the signs of childhood anxiety to collaborate with the child’s parents and community resources. 

Course materials

Training Courses
Training Locations
Training Languages
Training Dates

Child Care Anxiety



Child Care Anxiety

Child Care Anxiety



Child Care Anxiety

After taking an ECE Credential course, I appreciated the input from the other participants. We formed a close learning community from the training event. A learned skill that I will implement in my program was to focus on higher direct engagement with the school age children and allowing for more independent activities.
Kenyatta Draper
Child Care